An organic whole-food gastrointestinal supplement for horses

Heal Your Horse’s Gut Naturally
Also known as “G’s,” “G Formula,” and “That G’s Stuff.” No matter what you want to call it, G’s Formula is a perfect balance of nature and science. G’s Formula is a whole-food equine supplement backed by published research. Results indicate G’s Formula improves gut motility, nutrient absorption, and feed digestibility in horses. On-going research also points to a decreased likelihood of fatal colic events, reduced gastric inflammation, and improved stamina.
You don’t have to read a list to find out what’s in G’s Formula. We use only four organic, non-GMO, human-grade ingredients: carrots, cabbage, oat flour, and hemp meal. With no binders, fillers, or preservatives, you can feel good knowing exactly what is going in your horse’s body.
Horses on G’s Formula tend to look, feel, and perform better in as little as 3-6 weeks, as they heal naturally from the inside out.
Not able to feed hemp? Even though the hemp in this formula is forensically tested THC free, some countries and customers prefer not to feed it.
Try our G's International Formula with chia seeds instead of hemp!
Customers in the US will be automatically shipped G’s International Formula in place of G’s Formula due to border restrictions.

Is G’s Formula Right For My Horse?
No one knows your horse better than you. But diagnosing GI tract issues can be challenging!
Some symptoms
are obvious:
Chronic ulcers and ulcer symptoms
Recurring colic symptoms
Bloating, diarrhea, wet/loose manure
Other symptoms are
more obscure, such as:
Very dry manure and/or low water intake
Poor stamina
Poor coat and dry scurfy skin
Lameness and poor hoof quality
But did you know that these behaviors may also indicate GI issues?
Reactivity to grooming, girthing
Bucking, bolting, refusing, ear pinning under saddle
Back pain, stiffness, lack of bend (especially to the RIGHT)
Dull eyes, unhappy demeanor
An unwilling horse who’s become standoffish & irritable
Your horse’s health and happiness starts with a healthy gut. If you’re seeing signs like these, G’s Formula may be the safe, simple solution you’ve been looking for.

How does it work?
G’s Formula is the first Canadian GI supplement on the market having published research behind it.
We reinvest much of our profits for research with the University of Guelph to understand how and why horses respond so well to G’s Formula.
In summary, we’ve learned that G’s Formula:
Improves Gut Motility and Nutrient Absorption
Reduces Faecal Dry Matter and Increases Water Intake, which Protects Against Impaction Colic
Promotes GI Tract Healing and Ulcer Prevention with Natural Ingredients
Improves Blood Viscosity (Reduces Rouleaux Formation)
Reduces Exercise Fatigue
Want to know more? Click here for details

Forget those plain brown pellets you’re used to feeding. You’ll instantly recognize the ingredients in G’s Formula.
You’ll see the bits of cabbage and carrots. You’ll feel and smell the oat flour and hemp meal. Being that we only use human grade ingredients, you can taste them, and even try G’s Formula yourself!
Your package comes with a ½ cup scoop. One 10kg bucket contains a 60 day supply for a 500kg horse fed at ½ cup twice daily.
We recommend adding G’s Formula as a top dress to your horse’s regular feed.
See our feeding chart for more information →

One of the best sources of amino acids and vitamins linked specifically to supporting a healthy GI tract. Specifically:
The richest plant source of SMM (S-methylmethionine, aka “Vitamin U”)
High in the amino acid, L glutamine
Loaded with the B vitamin, choline
Excellent source of folate

Oat Flour (Stone-Milled Oat Groats)
Oat groats (or the oat seeds) are a rich source of beta glucans.
Oats are grown on a kernel. When harvested, the kernels are cleaned and minimally processed to remove the hulls which are high in indigestible fibre.

Who loves carrots more than horses?
They are an excellent source of beta carotene, Vitamin A, folic acid (B9), and antioxidants (phytochemicals) to combat free radical damage from regular metabolism or inflammation.

Hemp Meal
Hemp meal from hemp seeds is super high in digestible proteins, and contains all 20 amino acids, including all 9 essential amino acids. It is high in polyunsaturated fats, and low in saturated fats.
The hemp meal that we use tests less than 2 ppm THC, and is regulated and pedigreed by Health Canada.
Consider G’s International if feeding hemp is a concern.
It’s G’s Formula with Chia instead of hemp!

G’s Formula is the First Canadian Equine GI Supplement on the Market Having Published Research
We knew the advantages of each ingredient used in G’s Formula individually, but it wasn’t clear why the combination was working as dramatically as it was. From improving gut motility, nutrient absorption and more, our on-going research with the University of Guelph continues to uncover new and exciting findings. The research is structured so that the results of each study guides the direction of subsequent studies to best understand the benefits G’s Formula has to offer.
Ready to try G’s Formula?
1.5kg Trial Size
10kg Full Size
10kg Eco-Friendly Refill

Are You Still on the Fence about G’s Formula?
Your horse is special to you, and if he’s not happy then you’re not happy! Some additional benefits you and your horse might appreciate about G’s Formula are:
Weight Regulation:
G’s Formula aids horses in digesting what you’re feeding. They are better able to absorb the necessary nutrients, so weight gain/loss occurs naturally without the need for additional high fat feeds, oils, and probiotics.
Colic Prevention:
Gs Formula helps support horses at risk of impaction colic by reducing faecal dry matter and rouleaux formation. Read more about this in our study, published in the Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition.
We’re here for you! Call, text, or email us for help analyzing all the contributing factors to your horse’s unique situation. We’ll try to make the best recommendation for you and your horse, even if it’s NOT with G’s.
Simplify Your Feeding Program:
Many people who were feeding processed feeds and multiple supplements find that G’s Formula streamlines their feeding program and eliminates the need for additional products.
Fewer Pharmaceuticals:
Numerous customers have reported that G’s Formula replaced the need for pharmaceutical GI products like omeprazole, GastroGuard, sucralfate, etc… and, improved GI health reduces your vet bills.
A Happier, Healthier Horse!
When your horse feels good and gets the most out of his feed, it shows!
We’re Horse People, and We’ve Been There Too!
G’s Formula was developed out of necessity.
Our horse, Giotto (aka “G”), had regular colic episodes and was on multiple ulcer medications, GI supplements, and probiotics. Scoping became part of the routine. His coat and hooves were in awful condition, and he stood in his stall with his head in the corner.
Previously goofy and loveable, he avoided interacting with his horse-buddies and with us, and disliked being groomed. He started to resent working. His manure was so soft and acidic, we were continually washing his rear end, hind legs and tail. He had no joy left in his life and was thoroughly depressed.
After years of watching his health decline, we considered putting him down. That’s when our research led us to the natural, whole foods you see in G’s Formula.

Frequently Asked Questions
Each bucket of G’s Formula contains a 60-day supply for a 500kg (1100 lbs) horse.
For a 500kg (1100 lbs) horse, they should be fed one half-cup of G’s Formula twice per day. Larger horses, or stressed horses (breeding, high-level training/competition, traveling), and horses with acute GI issues can safely be fed up to 3x the normal amount.
Clinical pathology results from the second research study with the University of Guelph support the safety of G’s Formula when fed up to 3x the recommended dosage (480 g/day) for 28 days with no adverse effects being observed. Read the full study below.
No. If your horse has acute issues when starting G’s Formula, you can feed a higher amount, then decrease that as you see improvements. We have not conducted research on feeding low-doses of G’s Formula; however, your horse may respond well.
Absolutely! Please let your veterinarian know that we are here and very willing to speak with him or her about G’s Formula, our research, and the ongoing clinical studies.
Yes. G’s Formula is designed to heal and maintain your horse’s GI tract. It is completely safe to feed long-term.
Give us a call and let’s talk. There may be other factors affecting your results and we will happily take the time to help you figure out what those could be.
If you have a fussy horse, please consider the trial size first. If you have already purchased a full-sized tub and are struggling with feeding it, let us know and we will help troubleshoot. Most horses absolutely love their G’s Formula, even the fussy ones!
There are lots of different grains used in horse feed these days. As well, those grains may be whole, raw, processed (pelleted, rolled, crimped, and cooked). Mass-produced horse feeds may also contain genetically modified grains and grains sprayed with drying agents to increase yields and reduce production costs. If fed in too high a quantity, grains can also cause gastric upset or horses may become “hot” from the starch/carbohydrate levels.
In some grains, the starch/carb level is too high for horses to safely consume. G’s Formula uses flour milled from the oat groats (no hull, etc), on the other hand, has lower starch and is highly digestible. When fed in appropriate quantities oat groats have many benefits.
When a horse’s GI Tract isn’t functioning properly, owners often turn to probiotics to provide the beneficial bacteria that the horse should be producing naturally.
G’s Formula helps to heal the horse’s GI tract, enabling him to produce and maintain those “good bacteria”. If you are currently feeding probiotics, we recommend you continue until you run out, then see how your horse does with G’s Formula alone.
You can feed whatever you like (within reason of course)! G’s Formula has no known negative interactions with other supplements. We do recommend that you not feed more than is necessary. If you’re unsure, please contact us, or consult your veterinarian.
Yep! We don’t believe in adding any fillers, binders, preservatives, or anything else. We use only organic and non-GMO ingredients which will actually help your horse.
Ideally, you should be feeding twice per day. We did not trial G’s Formula in a once-per-day feeding scenario, so we can’t advise if it will be as beneficial to your horse as feeding twice per day.
As hay is the majority of most horses’ daily food intake, we always suggest testing your hay. It is an easy and inexpensive way to find out the nutritional value and digestibility, which directly affects your horse's health. See this blog post for more info on getting your hay tested, and reading the results. <link to blog post>
You should always be working with your vet regarding your horse’s health. If your vet would like more information about G’s Formula, we’d be happy to talk to him or her.

Ready to try G’s Formula?
1.5kg Trial Size
10kg Full Size
10kg Eco-Friendly Refill
Complementary Products
Did you know we have products that are complementary to G’s Formula?
For allergies & muscle building.
A source of omegas for coat, skin & hooves.
To decrease insulin & glucose levels.

visit G’s Education Centre
Our research is ongoing. The next phase of study concerns testing G’s International to the same parameters as G’s Formula.
Join our mailing list to stay up to date with our findings!