G’s Organic Solutions
Founded on the belief that horses and dogs should be fed as simply and naturally as possible, so their bodies can function the way they were designed.

When it Comes to Your Animal’s Health
‘Natural’ and ‘Scientific’
Should Not be Mutually Exclusive
Our supplements are clinically shown to improve the natural functionality of your animal’s vital systems.
They don’t mask or cover up problems. They solve issues by allowing the body to work as nature intended.
We never add fillers, binders, flavor enhancers, or preservatives. Our products are 100% natural and certified organic.
Read: Do you know what’s in your horse’s feedbag?
You’ll only find healthful ingredients in our products. Our whole-food, human-grade ingredients are grown by Canadian Farmers.
View our certifications & test results
In a continuous journey to learn how G’s products function in the equine body, our work with veterinarians and Univ. of Guelph researchers is ongoing.
Read our published research

We’re not Scientists, Nutritionists, or Veterinarians…
…We’re horse people just like you.
We didn’t start out with a plan to build a supplement company. We’re just people who saved our own horses’ lives using a combination of natural, whole, foods that we hoped could help others too.
Now, we proudly offer a line of products backed by published research and veterinary-led trials.
We listen to our customers.
Your concerns drive us to continually study, research, and trial different ingredients and combinations that could make a difference for your animal’s health.
Please enjoy shopping our ever-expanding line of products for your horses and canine companions!
Our mission is to give you the resources to be your animal’s best health and nutrition advocate.
Equine Digestion: From Mouth to Manure
Did you know that one of the greatest diagnostic tools to your horse’s health lies right there in his stall each day?
Understanding the equine digestive system, how food is processed from start to finish, and paying attention to your horse’s manure on a regular basis will greatly enhance your ability to keep your horse happy and healthy.
The WIRX Trial
Like many of you, we battled insulin resistance (also called IR) with one of our own horses. Losing that battle with our boy, Liam, was devastating; but it drove us deeper into the research, and led us to the product we call WIRX.

G’s products also undergo stringent taste-testing by our staff: G, Suzie, and Louie.
You won’t find any fillers, binders, flavor enhancers, or preservatives in G’s products. You’ll only find palatable organic, non-GMO, ingredients that are competition-safe and human-grade.