We are Sandi and Nelli, and we’re horse people - just like you
We’re not Scientists, Nutritionists, or Veterinarians.
We didn’t start out with the idea to build a supplement company. We’re just people who saved our own horses’ lives using a combination of natural, whole, foods that we hoped could help others too.
Now, we proudly offer a line of products backed by published research and veterinary-led trials.
Every day, new people reach out to us in total frustration and heartache. They’ve tried so many things and spent more money than they can count, and their horses aren’t getting better.
We’ve been there too.
Just like you, we’ve experienced the love and heartbreak that comes with horses. Seeing your 4-legged partner suffer with chronic health issues is agonizing.
We’ve sat with them day and night through colic, and watched them struggle to walk on laminitic hooves caused by insulin resistance or other metabolic dysfunction.
We’ve dealt with all of this, and learned from it.
Whether you have a $100 or a $100,000 horse, his health and happiness is your top concern. It’s ours too. That’s why we spend our days trying to find ways to help.
Call us. We’re here for you!
When you call us, we’ll pick up the phone and talk with you. We’ll explore symptoms, diagnoses, diet, and options with you. And we will never, ever, try to sell you something that you don’t need. That’s a promise.
Because we want to help, even if the solution isn’t G’s.

To help horses live longer, healthier, more comfortable lives!
And to achieve this, we focus on discovering how and why our ingredients work the way they do. We have partnered with local veterinarians and researchers at the University of Guelph to conduct field trials and clinical studies. Read the published research here.
The results of each of our studies guide the direction of the next. This way we are able to best understand the benefits our products have to offer and pass this knowledge on to you, our customers.

We believe horses and dogs should be fed simply and naturally.
- Organic -
because we don’t believe in feeding chemicals.
- Non-GMO -
because we want our animals’ bodies to function naturally.
- Whole Foods -
because Mother Nature knows best.
- Human Grade -
because if it’s not safe for us, it’s not safe for our animals.
- No Fillers or Binders -
because there’s no sense feeding things they don’t need.
- No Flavour Enhancers -
because we only use ingredients that they actually like.
The Story of G
We’ve seen G’s Organic Solutions work for our horses and hundreds of others. Now let’s see what we can do for your horse!
Growing up in the BC interior, Sandi’s true love for horses started on her family farm. Her father bred Morgans, and Sandi spent her days horseback in the hills, and her evenings caring for them in the stalls. She was a successful 3-day eventer and received her Pony Club level B certificate. Sandi went to school to become a veterinarian but opted for a degree in Animal Health Technology, instead.
Sandi has seen her share of horses with unusual health problems. Losing Liam to Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS, aka “insulin resistance”), and almost losing G pushed Sandi back into researcher-mode, re-igniting her passion for animal health and helping horses thrive through a natural approach to nutrition.
Nelli’s first pony, Sophie, instilled her love of horses. They rose through the Pony Club levels and competed in Hunter Jumpers and Dressage. As a teenager, Nelli could be found sleeping in the stall with her 3-Day Eventing partner, Suzie, or teaching horsemanship skills to younger Pony Club members. With aspirations of competing at the highest levels of Dressage, Nelli found the perfect partner in her next horse, Giotto (aka “G”).
Today, Suzie and G are both happily retired. Nelli brings her love of horses and passion for helping other people to G’s Organic Solutions, working side-by-side with Sandi to make and market these amazing products.

G’s Team Riders are essential to our mission to help horses live longer, healthier, more comfortable lives. They are our customers, our friends, often our inspiration, and sometimes our biggest critics.
Our Team Riders are independent thinkers - professional riders who are health conscious and open-minded. They bring us health problems, work with us to find solutions, and are instrumental in helping us trial new products.