G’s Formula: 4 Natural Ingredients for Your Horse’s GI Health

Macro Image of G's Formula: Natural whole-food supplement for equine GI health

G’s Formula contains all-natural, non-gmo, certified organic, human-grade ingredients because we’ve long believed that the food we eat - and feed our animals - has great natural capability to heal and protect the body. 

Based on extensive research, we created G’s Formula using cabbage, carrots, oat groats, and hemp fiber meal, with no fillers, binders, preservatives, flavor enhancers, or other additives. 

These ingredients are Canadian-grown, chopped, and dehydrated before being mixed together and delivered to you. 

Why Did We Pick These 4 Ingredients?

Each ingredient contains specific nutritional qualities known to provide benefits to the digestive tract tissues and functions. 


Cabbage is the richest plant source of S-methylmethionine (SMM) - an enzyme used in both human and horse supplements to aid healing ulcers, colitis, and gastritis.

Cabbage contains the amino acid, L glutamine, which:

  • Promotes a more alkaline environment in the stomach

  • Supports immune cells lining the digestive tract 

  • Has been shown in studies to repair leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel, and diarrhea, and to strengthen and lengthen the intestinal villi (ripples) that allow for optimal nutrient absorption

Cabbage also contains the B vitamin, choline, which:

  • Supports cell membrane maintenance

  • Combines with inositol to produce lecithin (another amino acid) which keeps cholesterol soluble, detoxifies the liver, and supports T cells development for immunity

And cabbage is high in folate, which:

  • Is critical in tissue repair

  • Enables constant regeneration of digestive tract lining


Nobody loves carrots as much as a horse! 

Carrots contain:

  • Massive amounts of beta-carotene, which are converted to vitamin A during digestion. Vitamin A is crucial for eye health and vision, a strong immune system, and healthy skin. 

  • Beta-carotene is also an antioxidant that improves blood circulation, chronic inflammation and helps decrease cancer risk.

  • Stellar amounts of biotin  - a vitamin that has the ability to stimulate cell growth, and is necessary for the body to metabolize keratin and fatty acids, which are essential elements in hair growth and skin quality (source)

Carrots also provide: 

  • Vitamin C for immune system support 

  • Folic acid (B9) to assist the liver in flushing out toxins and help cleanse the colon

  • Vitamin K, for bone health

  • Other antioxidants (phytochemicals) to combat free radical damage from regular metabolism or inflammation

Oat Groats

The oat “groats” are the hulled kernels of the oat. Groats are whole grains that include the cereal germ and fiber-rich bran portion of the grain, as well as the endosperm. They are minimally processed, so are lower on the glycemic index, and take longer to digest compared to rolled oats. This allows for more nutrient absorption. 

Oat groats are a rich source of beta glucans which:

  • Are prebiotics supporting the normal gut flora needed for correct digestion

  • Aid in maintaining a regular rate of food passage through the GI tract

  • Are key in improving immune response and eliminating toxins

An important function of beta glucans in the oat groats is to prevent excess sugar and undigested starches from reaching the hindgut, which could cause a rise of lactic acid-producing bacteria leading to acidosis and ulcers. For horses, the hindgut flora are necessary for the fermentation of fiber, and beta glucans help feed these beneficial bacteria. 

Hemp Fibre Meal  

The hemp meal used in G’s Formula is ground from the seeds of the Cannabis Sativa plant. 

Hemp seeds:

  • Are high in protein (23%)

  • Contain no  sugar (0%)

  • Are an excellent prebiotic because of their high fibre content

Hemp is also a rich source of omega fatty acids! In particular, hemp: 

  • Provides omega 3s and 6s, including the omega-6 fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA).  GLA is not found in flaxseed or other oils commonly fed to horses.  Unlike linolenic acid (LA), GLA reduces inflammation

  • Contains omega 9s, which are another class of omega fatty  acids that do not promote inflammation and may protect the heart and blood vessels

Hemp is an important ingredient in G’s Formula, yet we realize it is a controversial product. For horse owners who are concerned about feeding hemp, consider our G’s International Formula, which substitutes chia seeds for hemp fiber. 

The hemp meal used in G’s Formula is fully tested by a third-party lab.  View our test results  

Key Take-Aways

G’s Formula is a simple, all-natural supplement for your horse’s digestive system health. 

G’s Organic Solutions partners with the University of Guelph to conduct ongoing studies, seeking to understand how and why this combination of four ingredients works to improve horses’ digestive health. We welcome you to read the published results

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G’s International Formula: Still Only 4 Natural Ingredients for Your Horse’s GI Health


G’s Formula Research