G’s Education Centre
We want our customers to be knowledgeable. That’s why we’ve started the Education Centre. This page will evolve and refresh often to stay as current as possible.
Here, you’ll find essential information like our ingredient certifications, test results, and product research studies. You’ll also be able to come here for relevant blogs and other content that our customers care about.
If there are things you’d like us to cover, or questions you’d like answered, please Contact Us, and let us know. We will dive into research, and do our best to provide the clear and relevant answers for you and our other readers!
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Our Latest Articles
More Than Just Manure
As a horse owner, you put on your detective hat every day. You learn more about your horse with each feeding, stall cleaning, and ride. As you gain knowledge and observe your horse over time, you’ll learn your horse’s “normal” moods and behaviors, and quickly be able to spot changes, so you can be your horse’s best health advocate.
How to Read (and Understand) a Hay Test
For most horses, hay makes up the majority of their diet. A laboratory-conducted analysis provides insight into the actual nutritional content of the hay. That’s important stuff, as you create feeding and supplement plans for your horses based on their workload or age.
Do You Know How to Obtain Ideal Blood Work for Your Insulin Resistant Horse?
If you think your horse might be insulin resistant or otherwise metabolically compromised, you’ve probably done some research. And you may feel overwhelmed by the volume of information (and opinions) available on this topic. Do you even know how to start this conversation with your veterinarian?