An Organic Blend of Cranberry & Cinnamon

For IR and EMS Horses - Reduce Glucose & Insulin Levels Naturally
Horses love the taste of cranberry and cinnamon. G’s WIRX combines the A-type PAC benefits of Organic Cranberry (restricts carbohydrate digestion to lower insulin secretion) with Ceylon Cinnamon’s ability to reduce blood glucose levels in a non-GMO blend that is safe and legal for competition.
We are excited to announce that a University of Guelph-led clinical trial of G’s WIRX will begin this spring, 2022!

Is WIRX Right For My Horse?
Does your horse struggle with...
Recurring laminitis or sore feet when on spring grass?
Hard fat deposits around the tail, crest, or shoulders?
Maintaining optimal weight?
Has your horse been diagnosed with…
Insulin Resistance (IR)?
Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS)?
Have you already tried…
Prescription drugs?
Various supplements and feed additives?
Diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes?
If any of this sounds all too familiar, G’s WIRX may be the safe, simple solution you’ve been looking for.
Being proactive could help your horse lead a long and comfortable life!
How does it work?
G’s WIRX safely reduces insulin, glucose and triglyceride levels with two simple ingredients…

Canadian-grown organic cranberries are incredibly rich in A-type proanthocyanidins (PACs), which are scientifically proven to lower insulin by restricting carbohydrate digestion therefore reducing insulin secretion.
Additionally, cranberry helps decrease fatty liver disease, alters gut microbia, improves cardiovascular health, and prevents urinary tract infections. The best part? The horses love it!

Organic Ceylon Cinnamon (known as “True Cinnamon”) is proven to reduce blood glucose levels. Unlike Cassia Cinnamon (typically sold in grocery stores), Ceylon contains far less coumarin, a substance banned by FEI.
Cassia Cinnamon contains 1% coumarin, whereas Ceylon Cinnamon contains only 0.004% - too low to cause health risks and too low to test in competition.

Because we trialed it!
We knew of several research studies on rats and humans using cranberry extract to control insulin resistance, but no studies had been done on equines.
We decided it was time to change that…
In a 2018 veterinary-led trial, WIRX proved to significantly reduce insulin, glucose, and triglyceride levels in horses, helped them maintain a healthy weight, and kept these levels within normal ranges. These results all served to prevent future laminitic episodes.
The trial controls included:
Confirmed IR horses and ponies
Blood tested at Day 0, Day 45, Day 90, and 1 year
Each blood draw at 3 hours post-morning feed, by the same veterinarian, tested at the same lab
No changes to diets or medications
The Results
Average glucose decreased 18.3% after 4 months.
Average glucose decreased 22.8% after 1 year.
Average insulin decreased 68.3% after 4 months.
Average insulin decreased 88% after 1 year.
Average triglyceride decreased 13% after 4 months.
More than 90% of horses are experiencing ongoing success with WIRX.
Click here to read the full trial, including all of the controls that were in place.
Disclaimer: WIRX compliments the lifestyle changes you and your vet have already made.
Proper dietary controls and veterinary care are still imperative to the health and wellbeing of your EMS/IR horse.

What’s in the bucket?
G’s WIRX is packaged a bit differently from other products on the market. You’ll instantly recognize the ingredients. You can taste them, smell them, and even try them yourself! It’s not the generic brown pellet you’re used to feeding. We keep the cranberry and cinnamon separate to maintain the integrity of our whole food product and avoid the need for binders.
You’ll measure the ingredients individually, per the enclosed feeding chart, using the scoops provided. It may be a bit more work, but it WIRX! We recommend mixing WIRX into moistened feed, such as soaked beet pulp, hay cubes, or pellets.
See our feeding chart for more information →

Cinnamon can boost sensitivity to insulin which lowers insulin resistance in effect; and it can regulate the breakdown of carbohydrates thereby reducing the amount of glucose in the body.
(Source: Everything Horse, Cinnamon’s Benefits on Equine Health, 2018)

“WIRX is the only product I have found to help my 25-year old mini, Crackers. Diagnosed with PPID/IR, he was on a strict diet and prescription Pergolide. Still, his insulin level kept going up! After adding a second prescription (Metformin) and increasing his Pergolide dose, his insulin tested at a record high of 671 (normal is under 40). Completely frustrated, I stopped the Metformin and started adding WIRX to his diet. Within 6 months, his insulin tested at 44, and since that point he continues to test between 27 and 49! Crackers loves the cranberry and cinnamon mix, and I love the peace of mind knowing that I am feeding a quality product which is protecting him from another laminitic episode.
Thank you, G’s, for this amazing product!”
- Ellen and Crackers, Washington, USA
We are always available to talk with you about your horse, situation, and any questions you have about WIRX.
Ready to try WIRX?
Picky eater?
Try our Trial Size
Ready to try?
Buy the Full Size Bucket
Tired of accumulating buckets?
Get the Eco-Friendly Refill

Are You Still on the Fence about WIRX?
We know you’ve tried a zillion other things, likely including prescriptions that may have caused additional health complications.
Some additional benefits you and your horse might appreciate about WIRX include:
Feeding something your horse will actually enjoy eating
Reduced vet bills!
Feeling good about feeding all-natural, recognizable ingredients
Simplify your IR/EMS supplements
Safe and legal for competition
Not having to soak hay in the winter
Long term, your insulin resistant horse can potentially live a pain free, normal horse lifestyle again – with reduced stress and improved mental health for both of you!
We’re Horse People, and We’ve Been There Too
Like you, we’ve dealt with IR and all its complications. That’s one of the many reasons we developed WIRX. To read more about our story, visit our About Page.
Do you have other questions? We’re happy to talk to you. Give us a call!

Frequently Asked Questions
Each bucket of WIRX contains a 40-day supply for a 500kg (1100lbs) horse. See our feeding chart to determine how long a bucket will last based on the weight of your horse or pony.
For a 500kg (1100 lbs) horse, feed two 100 ml scoops of cranberry and 2 tsp of Ceylon cinnamon twice daily. See our feeding chart for more specific information.
No! Our cranberry only contains between 4-6% sugar and zero starch.
Absolutely! Please let your veterinarian know that we are here and very willing to speak with them about WIRX, our research, and our field trial.
Yes. As IR/EMS is a lifelong condition, it will need to be managed long-term. WIRX is completely safe to feed long-term.
Give us a call, and let’s talk. There may be other factors affecting your results, and we will happily take the time to help you figure out what those could be.
If you have a fussy horse, please consider the trial size first. If you have already purchased a full-sized tub and are struggling with feeding it, let us know and we will help troubleshoot. Most horses absolutely love their WIRX, including the fussy ones!
You will need to continue feeding tested low sugar & starch hay, and we recommend mixing the WIRX into some sort of wet food such as soaked hay cubes/pellets or beet pulp.
You can feed whatever you like (within reason, of course)! WIRX has no known negative interactions with other supplements. We do, however, recommend that you ensure that you are not feeding more than is necessary. If you are unsure, feel free to contact us or consult your veterinarian.
All horses with metabolic conditions should be on a low starch, low sugar diet, including hay. Hay testing is easy, inexpensive, and always recommended. Hay is the majority of your horse’s daily food intake, so testing is critical. See our blog post for more info on getting your hay tested, and reading the results.
Any time that your horse is laminitic, you need to be working closely with both your veterinarian and your farrier. They may have recommended you feed a low sugar & starch feed, get corrective shoeing, and likely bloodwork, x-rays, and other treatments. WIRX will be a great choice to help bring down the insulin and glucose levels in hopes of avoiding another laminitic attack in the future. If your vet is unsure of WIRX, please have them contact us!
Yep! We don’t believe in adding any fillers, binders, preservatives, or anything else. We use only organic and non-GMO ingredients which will actually help your horse.
Ideally, you should be feeding twice per day. As we did not trial WIRX in a once-per-day feeding scenario, we cannot be sure that it will be as beneficial to your horse as if you were feeding twice per day. In order to determine if WIRX is working for your horse, you should conduct regular blood work.
The only truly measurable way to determine if WIRX has your horse on the right track is to take baseline blood work prior to starting it, and having your vet retest on a routine schedule. You can also look for physical changes in your horse such as reduced fat pockets, improved foot comfort, increased energy, and a brighter attitude!
Each horse is unique. We recommend working with your veterinarian to determine if/when your horse can go back on pasture.
Hay testing is easy, inexpensive, and always recommended. Hay is the majority of your horse’s daily food intake, so testing is critical. See our blog post for more info on getting your hay tested, and reading the results.
You should always be working with your vet regarding your horse’s health. If your vet would like more information about WIRX, we’d be happy to talk to them.
Absolutely - as long as it is within their capabilities.! Exercise is critical for a horse's both mental and physical wellbeing, however if your horse is currently laminitic, forced exercise is not recommended.
Ready to try WIRX?
Picky eater?
Try our Trial Size
Ready to try?
Buy the Full Size Bucket
Tired of accumulating buckets?
Get the Eco-Friendly Refill

Cranberry extract was found to fully reverse diet-induced insulin resistance in mice
How will I know its working?
You’ve Taken a Baseline…
Before you start your horse on G’s WIRX, talk with your veterinarian to set up a system of bloodwork and observation. Get initial labs, pictures, and body condition notes for your baseline. We recommend asking your vet to complete blood tests for glucose and insulin, plus ACTH if you suspect that your horse could have Cushing’s/PPID (remember, while more prevalent in older horses, all ages and fitness levels can be affected).
You’re Tracking…
With your veterinarian, plan to retest blood at 6-12 week intervals, within 3 hours after feeding. Each draw should be taken at the same time during that 3-hour period for accurate comparisons. For more information on collecting accurate blood samples, see our blog post.
You’re Seeing Results…
Depending on the horse, within 2 months, you should begin to see decreases in insulin and glucose levels (as long as prior results were within readable levels). You will likely see fat pockets starting to reduce, and you may notice your horse’s energy increasing and his coat quality improving.
Long Term Planning…
Your horse should stay on WIRX, even when his levels return to the normal range. Continue testing his blood and working with your vet on a routine basis. Always feed a low starch, low-sugar diet including appropriate, tested hay. Ensure your horse gets regular exercise and with your vet’s advice, appropriate pasture time.
Our WIRX research is about to begin!
Join our mailing list to stay up to date with our findings!
ComplEmentary Products
G’s Formula
For gastrointestinal health
For allergies & muscle building
For coat, skin & hoof health
Are you an equine professional looking for more information about G’s WIRX?
Let’s talk!
WIRX is registered through Health Canada’s Veterinary Health Products program under Notification Number N0B4. To learn more, or for reaction reporting, please go to www.lrvhp.ca